Category: eNote

Kobo Clara 2E eReader Reviewed

Techgoondu reviews the Kobo Clara 2E eReader.

Kindle Scribe Primed for Business

CNET writes about the new large-format, eBook-reading, eNote-taking, tablet-like Kindle Scribe eReader.

Kindle Oasis and Kindle Paperwhite eReaders Compared

Book Riot compares the Kindle Oasis and Kindle Paperwhite eReaders.

eBooks Confront Right-Wing Censorship

Input writes about the eBook Revolution facing down right-wing censorship.

Amazon Kindles Now Support EPUB as MOBI and AZW Formats Retired

Another story from Liliputing suggests Amazon Kindles are now able to read the EPUB eBook format, while the company retires support for the MOBI and AZW formats.

Color E INK Gallery 3 Reviewed

The Verge reviews the Color E Ink Gallery 3. Video at the link

Hands-on Review of the Huawei MatePad Paper E INK Tablet

XDA offers a hands-on review of the Huawei MatePad Paper E INK Tablet.

Kobo Elipsa eReader Reviewed

The Business Insider calls the Kobo Elipsa the best eReader for students in this review.

Huawei MatePad Paper Hybrid eReader and eNotetaker Reviewed

Android Headlines reviews the Huawei MatePad Paper hybrid eReader and eNotetaker.

The ReMarkable 2 Tablet Reviewed

PCMag reviews the ReMarkable 2 eReading and eNote-Taking Tablet.