Greed Kills: The Big Publishers Open Door to eBook Pirates

Thanks Jorgen for a link to an article at called “E-books: Why Greed Will Cost E-Book Publishers In The End” that predicts the outcome of the recent move by the largest publishing houses to strong arm Amazon and Apple into raising eBook  prices.

This profiteering highlights the amateurism and lack of vision that has plagued the publishing industry and finally forced it to adapt to the digital age. The fact that they failed to learn from those mistakes or alter course hardly makes this new tragic choice a surprise, or its outcome less predictable. Their decision to overcharge their loyal readers is nothing short of piracy, so it follows that their products will soon become pirate treasure. 

Digital piracy only exists while it is profitable. People only use pirated materials if they can justify the theft, as in: Well, we’re getting robbed by the publisher in the first place, so…

You’d think the publishing industry would understand these basic concepts, yah?

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