The Student Body Not Ready for eBooks?

The eBook Revolution as it applies to students and small publishers was brought to my attention by a couple of small  publishers of  textbooks responding to my post “Apple iPad Will Use DRM… Ahoy eBook Pirates! Come and get ‘em!” (Okay, maybe the title’s a bit provocative…)

It has been theorized that schools and students would provide the perfect proving ground for the eBook Revolution. (Young people + technology = adoption.) 

Not so simple. Turns out there is much more to the story. We’ve got a hesitant student body and textbook publishers with everything to lose releasing digital (easily shared) textbooks to a limited target audience. (Young people + knowledge of technology = wait for the cheaper next-generation of eBook Readers.)

Read more about it here at

The moral of the story is early adopters are not the majority, and the technology still  needs time to evolve before it will be embraced by the tech-savvy mainstream.

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