New Kindles Selling like Reasonably Priced Hotcakes!

Ok. I know I used to have an axe to grind with Kindle, but that was because it debuted with a $379 price tag.  That was just a wicked cash grab that did more to hurt the eBook Revolution than help it.

Now that Amazon has released its third Kindle version I’m happy to promote the machine, its $139 to $189 price tag, and the vast interactive library it calls home:

Having said that, the prices still need to come down, and will, once the rest of the market reacts to Amazon’s push for first place. I know Sony’s got two new eBook Readers coming soon, and we still haven’t heard anything more from upstart Kobo and the $150 eReader that started a price war.

Read GoodeReader’s story about Kindle’s smashing sales record.

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