Category: Tablet

eBook Bestsellers for week ending Feb. 1, 2014

Digital Book World offers its eBook Bestsellers for the week ending February 1, 2014. You’ll see that the price of #1 on the list is $4.99, so that makes us very happy here at eBook Rumors. (Low prices are the fair prices that will drive the eBook Revolution.)

Kobo replaces CEO with top exec from parent company Rakuten

Gigaom reports that Kobo has replaced its CEO with a top executive from its Japanese parent company Rakuten. No reason was given for changing horses in the competitive marketplace currently dominated by Amazon.

Adobe refuses to quit on “cracked” DRM

Techdirt reports on another attempt by Adobe to re-introduce a failed and failing DRM (Digital Rights Management) to the eBook Revolution.

Apple facing $840-million in damages in price-fixing suit

The Verge has an update on $840-million in damages claimed in a class action lawsuit against Apple after the iPad maker received a guilty verdict for conspiring with publishers in its eBook price-fixing scheme.

Digital Publishing Update

The Guardian says that fans of Colleen Hoover have pressured the romance author’s publisher into releasing paperback versions of her work. Lifehacker talks about the value of eBook subscription services and offers a breakdown of what the first competitors offer. TechRepublic posted about an eBook reader Lucidor that is intended for collaborative work. The Library …

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eBooks, enhanced eBooks and Apps explained

Digital Book World offers a little clarification on what eBooks, enhanced eBooks and Apps can do.

Scribd now available on Kindle Fire

The Verge reports that the Scribd subscription service has launched an App for Kindle Fire today.

iBooks Textbooks available in 51 countries

VentureBeat reported that Apple iBooks Textbooks are available in 51 countries.

eBook Revolution offers hope to public libraries

GoodeReader has posted on the importance of eBooks to the beleaguered public library system.

eBooks gain globally as market evolves

GoodeReader reports that eBooks continue to gain in global markets as the eBook Revolution continues to evolve.