Category: eBook Stores

A growing list of web sites that sell eBooks. Pros and Cons...

Amazon Kindle Library Lending available in select locations.

The Washington Post reports on the Amazon Kindle Library Lending Program going live in select locations. The eBook market leader is playing catch-up to such competitors as the Barnes and Noble Nook that has been offering the service for some time.

Video review of Sony Tablet S

MobileTechReview offers a video review of the Sony Tablet S. With updated Android operating system this machine is already surpassing early reviews when it reached stores without a full complement of Apps.

More on the Amazon tablet

MSN Tech and Gadgets offers an update with more specifics on the soon-to-be launched (or confirmed) Amazon tablets. This device could be the iPad killer that the marketplace keeps chattering about. Things are going to get very interesting this holiday season.

Google eBooks preps for UK, Canadian and Australian launch.

From the “this is taking too long department,” GoodeReader has a post on Google eBooks finally preparing for a simultaneous launch in the UK, Canada and Australia. This development should happen before the holiday buying season.

Amazon’s all-you-can-read eBook service.

CBC News takes an in-depth look at the much discussed (and rumored) move by Amazon to create an eBook subscription service for Kindle, and the potential impact on publishing.

How to succeed in digital publishing.

Bestselling author Dean Wesley Smith offers some sage advice for Indie authors and publishers who are positioning themselves to enter the eBook Revolution. I have to say I am in total agreement with Smith’s approach, and regard the article as a must-read for writers and readers alike.

Netflix for eBooks?

TheNextWeb Insider offers a report on a rumored move by to sign publishers on to a Netflix for eBooks that would be delivered through the Kindle platform. Not sure how this will develop but the service might be offered as part of Amazon Prime customer’s $79 per year membership. Win or fail, you’ve got …

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Sony Tablet S Reviewed

The Toronto Sun reviews the Sony Tablet S and wonders if it delivers enough for the $499 price tag to stand out against the competition.

Do-it-yourself NookColor Upgrade

NookColor owners/users should check out this PCMag post that allows an easy (do-it-yourself) upgrade to expand your device’s capabilities and make it into a supercharged eBook Reader. The writer, David Pierce, makes the claim that all you need to do is “plunk in an N2A card and the Nook Color becomes a full-fledged Android 2.3 …

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Do your kids need an eBook Reader?’s GeekDad questions whether it’s time to include an eBook Reader in your children’s back to school supplies. It’s just a matter of time… The article and suggestions at the link.