Category: eBook Stores

A growing list of web sites that sell eBooks. Pros and Cons...

The Best Places to get eBooks

Lifehacker offers a list of its five best for eBook download or purchase. I’m going to add one myself because I don’t believe any eBook download list is complete without mentioning the FREE

More on the Google eBook Reader

ABC has a post and video on Google’s new $139 eBook Reader that comes fully integrated with Google eBooks’ massive online library. The device goes on sale this Sunday. ITProPortal also offers a post on the Google Story eBook Reader. GMANewsOnline has more on the new Google device.

Google Launches eBook Reader

Google will launch its own E Ink eBook Reader called the Story HD that will be the first device fully-integrated with the online giant’s vast Google eBookstore. More on the Story at

eBook Revolution more about Evolution…

The’s Robert McCrum takes a sane and sober look at the state of the eBook Revolution and suggests that the sky is not falling after all. There will always be books.

Selecting a device to suit your needs.

Click over to TechNewsDaily where they offer a how-to list on choosing the best eBook Reader for you.

Genre fiction fuels explosive eBook industry. posted on the interesting trend among converts to the eBook Revolution toward purchasing genre fiction. Long relegated to the back of the book store, it now looks like fantasy, science fiction, horror and romance are fueling the explosion in eBook sales. Despite the fact that genre fiction is responsible for blockbuster movies, television and …

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Storm continues over HarperCollins Library Loan Limit

Many thanks to Jorgen for this link to a story at phillyBlurbs about the ongoing discontent surrounding HarperCollins’ arbitrary decision to limit eBook checkouts to 26 before the library has to repurchase it. Here a Philadelphia library activist protests this blatant cash grab with a petition bearing over 69,115 signatures.

Is there a future for paper books?

Technorati posted on the eBook Revolution, and wonders whether this is truly the end for the paper-based book. I believe there will always be room for both. All publishers need to do is get behind the whole print-while-you-wait technology. They’re really dragging their feet on that.

Upgrade Nook reader, get free eBooks! posted on a great incentive from Barnes and Noble to upgrade your old NOOK device to their new NOOK Touch or NOOKColor eBook Readers. Starting July 1st B&N will throw in 30 eBooks valued at $315 FREE to readers who do the upgrade.

The HP TouchPad tablet – iPad killer?

Time Online reports on the HP TouchPad tablet pitched by its designer as the answer to Apple’s iPad. Time will have to decide. Oh, and Happy Canada Day, to my fellow Canucks!