FREE eBOOK! and a Popular One by the Look…The Variant Effect!

variant_effect_cover_3Okay. This G. Wells Taylor’s been a favorite of mine for a while, first with his free Wildclown novel and now this. He’s been online forever (inked a deal to distribute all his titles with Smashwords) and always trying the angles. Looks like he’s finished The Variant Effect Serial started last October, and now he’s releasing all the parts in one FREE eBook.

Here’s most of the release…

“All SEVEN installments of THE VARIANT EFFECT are NOW available in ONE FREE multi-format eBook download at and other locations.

Plus, THE VARIANT EFFECT PAPERBACK is available for order at”

So, check it out here. (I hear it’s a wicked horror/scifi blend.)

New Readers coming from Sony

Drop over to the Sony Insider to read about the rumored release of two new eBook readers. With so much competition in the explosive eBook marketplace, we knew it was just a matter of time until we heard from Sony.

The Sony PRS-650 is said to have a six-inch screen while the PRS-350’s screen will be five inch. The new devices boast attractive pricing, faster page turns and improved screen contrast among other things.

Check out the rest of the specifics at the jump.

Great times ahead for Authors… Not so great for publishers.

eBook Rumors has been saying for some time that in the face of the eBook Revolution the biggest challenge for the traditional publishers will be remaining relevant. At the author Ray Connolly writes an engaging update on the state of the publishing nation entitled: “Who needs publishers?”

Connolly’s premise could not be more true now that writers can publish their own works and make them available to a large and rather eager audience through various online and hand-held platforms.

Add in the fact that we’re talking about a large disenfranchised population of writers (shut out of the old paradigm) now able to reach a massive audience that has been slowly starved of variety, accessibility and talent, and one can see that the traditional publishing cadre might have a difficult time staying inside the loop.

Historically, reading has been an intimate communication between the writer and reader facilitated and later controlled by publishers. Publishers now have to convince the new normal that ‘three’ is not a crowd.

Que ProReader Fades into the Night

ITProPortal posted on the sad news about UK-based Plastic Logic confirming its plan to abandon the Que ProReader, a beautiful device that was headed for the office and boardroom. Read Plastic Logic’s press release here.

It’s a sad day for those of us lusting after its sleek lines. After months of delays the rumor mill was churning about the future of this pricey but ‘oh so sexy’ device.

I think its large format E Ink screen and high price pushed it into unexpected competition with the full-color multi-format iPad.

Hopefully, the innovators who dreamed of the device that used plastic electronics will not abandon their foray into eBook Readers.

Is An Amazon Tablet on the Drawing Board?

The New York Times is carrying a rumor suggesting that one look at the job board at’s Lab 126 suggests that the online eBook retailer is getting ready to add more hardware to its arsenal. With Lab 126 responsible for designing Kindle and with Amazon carrying music and digital movies as well as eBooks, do the job specs hint at an Amazon-style iPad down the road?

Take the link to decide for yourself.

Textbook & eText Rental a Money Saver for Students this Fall

The Christian Science Monitor offers a post and advice on textbook rental for students getting ready for the fall semester. It’s a great move to save money that also seems to be the way of the future if the National Association of College Stores has its way with half of its 3,000 member stores offering book rentals this fall. That in concert with Barnes & Noble’s plan to do the same at its 637 college bookstores is sure to make text rental the norm.

When linked to B&N’s NOOKstudy program that offers digital textbook rentals, student’s will have a wide variety of money saving options in the coming year.

A Writer Looks at the eBook Revolution has a post by author Simon Wood on the writer’s view of digital publishing. I’d have to say I’m in complete agreement with Wood and can only see an upside for the content creator and reader.

eBooks are here to stay, but so are their paper progenitors–albeit the paperback might be relegated to a print-on-demand version (it was happening anyway) and the hard cover may evolve into high-quality, collectible works of art.

It should be a win-win scenario for writers and readers.

Kindle Versus iPad

Check out this New York Times article that pits the many uses of the iPad against the read-only world of Kindle.  There are some good points made, but they all depend on the consumer.

You can’t invent a better flesh and blood reader, and since they’re the ones paying the tab the winner of the Kindle versus iPad debate will be up to them.

Dorchester Publishing Goes ALL Digital

The Wall Street Journal reports Dorchester Publishing embracing the eBook Revolution and digital publishing by abandoning traditional print books for digital options.

This after the States’ oldest mass paperback publisher watched  a decline in orders from its key retail accounts produce a 25% drop in last year’s sales.

This is actually good news for writers and readers. eBooks and print-on-demand technology allows publishers to offer their entire back-list of out-of-print books.

We’ve been waiting for this development for some time, yah?

Playing With Fire at Pink Petal Books

playing_with_fireAuthor Christine Pope’s new paranormal romance novella, Playing With Fire, launched August 5 and is available for purchase in multi-format at Pink Petal Books and Christine is bordering on the prolific if you remember the April 2010 release of her novel, Fringe Benefits, also bearing the Pink Petal Books imprint.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll find in her latest offering:

Samael calls the City of Angels home, but he’s far from angelic. His assignment: Bringing the souls of L.A.’s unquiet dead to the underworld. His duties don’t preclude more earthly entanglements, as long he keeps things purely physical.
When he meets Felicia McGovern, he soon realizes his attraction to her goes far beyond her admittedly enchanting flesh. Her unexpected discovery of his true nature separates the lovers, but when her life is in danger, Samael risks everything to keep her safe. He faces certain punishment…or possibly a redemption he never imagined could be his.

Find out more about Christine Pope at her website.