From the Wunderkind at Fictionwise! exec, Steven Pendergrast declared in a Computerworld article that there will be a huge surge in eBook sales in 2010. Read the wise words here.

Now besides questioning the value of Computerworld interviewing someone who has everything to gain by making such an obvious statement, is it really noteworthy? Anybody who has not been living under a rock for the last year will know that:

a) eBooks are becoming very popular
b) eBook readers are finally reaching the marketplace
c) eBook retailers are starting to drop their prices (still too high)

Looking at these points does one need to be an exec to make the prediction? Is this not obvious? If indeed, it is intended to be insightful then it ranks  up there with the kind of statement we’ve been hearing from amateur-hour bonus-worthy executives who are scattering like rats from AIG and every other corporate suite on Wall Street.

Don’t get me wrong. Fictionwise has been a leader in the industry, providing eBooks and eBook reading software for handhelds while the rest of us clung to our paperbacks and scoffed at the idea of electronic books. So Kudos there. But one wonders if their recent acquisition by foot-dragger Barnes and Noble has not started to go to their heads, yah? Stating the obvious just makes you look dull or manipulative in the case of an eBook store exec declaring eBook sales will surge…

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