“Muscular Debate” over eBook Pricing

Thanks to Jorgen for pointing us to this article at the Financial Times about the debate over eBook Pricing. Seems publishers are still blaming the greedy authors.

More hilarious quotes as publishers continue to sell us this theory that they’ve never really made much money anyway, and this $9.99 per eBook at Amazon (STILL WAY TOO MUCH to the CONSUMER! ) is just chiseling them into the ground. They always somehow neglect mentioning the important cost saving aspect of producing eBooks, as in there is no printing, shipping or storage to cover. Outside of paying the author his/her royalty (if he/she’s lucky, 8-15% of cover price) there is only some minimal cover design and layout cost, some advertising, and well, they’ve yet to explain where the rest of the money goes.

The truth is publishers have to evolve to suit the new market. There is still plenty of profit to be made, they just can’t make the same profit per item. eBooks are just far cheaper to produce than hardcover or paperback. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEADS!

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