eBooks Open an Affordable Chapter in Education

Acting on another tip from Jorgen, I visited the Washington Times to read an article about how the cost of printing is forcing a move toward eBook use in schools.

The article makes an excellent point. Texts with a shelf-life are no longer suited to cash-strapped school systems. Having purchased a few over-priced (single-use) texts and reference books over the years, I can understand why there are groups forming to protest these rising costs. If providing a good education is job one, then something’s got to give.

The cost of running schools rises every year and tuition hikes are an annual event, so it seems that a reusable eBook Reader purchased or leased by the school or student might be the perfect fit. Linked to the eBook’s editability and flexible platform, texts could be upgraded whenever the circumstances demanded.

So, it would be interesting to see education drive us toward this new tech, when everyone was expecting entertainment to do it. Perfect for the eBook revolution, yah?

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