Doom and Gloom from Ireaderreview

Jorgen dropped off another link, this time to a somewhat gloomy article at Ireaderreview about the ‘value perception’ of eBooks dropping to ZERO.

Give the article a read. I think the author jumps to several conclusions that could be vigorously debated. For instance, there is no real discussion in the piece about how we determine the ‘actual value’ of content. In my books, it’s a leap to consider an eBook being accurately valued at $9.99 (the famous Amazon boycott price.) I would think a much lower price would be appropriate, considering an eBook is a rather small digital file requiring very little storage space that is ‘free’ to ship and can be copied a limitless number of times.

Here are just a couple things that cannot be ignored. Perhaps selling content is not the same as selling actual books. Perhaps methods of appreciating that content have changed. Perhaps the market needs to adjust to the new product.

And I really think it’s a leap to consider Moby Dick or Paradise Lost, both public domain titles and free, to be actual competition for Stephenie Meyer’s latest.

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