Kobo eBook Reader $150 – The Game Changer

Kobo eBook Reader

To people who would be happy simply reading an eBook, we introduce the Kobo eBook Reader for $150.00.

Kobo announced the device at the MobileFocus event in Las Vegas with what eBook Revolution historians will call PERFECT TIMING. Instead of going head-to-head with iPad, here they’ve given us a basic eBook reader at an extremely affordable price, hooked up to a world class eBook retailer Kobobooks.com. While other designers reel back to the drawing board after iPad’s flashy full-color release, Kobo gives us a fairly priced device that people can comfortably read with.

Kobo, formerly known as Shortcovers, is the far-reaching digital arm of the Canadian bookselling giant Indigo. Bookseller Borders is another investor in Kobo, so we’re looking at some shrewd decision making by industry leaders at a time when the right decision might translate into market dominance. The Kobo eBook Reader will be available at Borders stores summer 2010.

The relatively small price tag makes the device a must-have for early adopters and the curious mainstream.  While the designers do battle with the multi-function iPad, the rest of us can get reading.

For $150 you get 6″ E Ink screen, Bluetooth connectivity (no WiFi or 3G to keep cost down), 5 font sizes, 1GB internal storage, expandable SD card slot and a battery rated for 8,000 page turns. Read more about the announcement at Technologizer.

THIS is the game changer.

5 pings

  1. […] Ink eBook Reader on a collision course with Amazon’s Kindle. I mentioned the device the other day and called it a game changer for the eBook Revolution, but I have to agree with Gadget Lab. This […]

  2. […] we go. I think it’s a horserace. I’d put Kobo’s $150 eBook Reader first out of the gates but Pioneer Computers didn’t waste any time getting their DreamBook […]

  3. […] an affordable single-function device to read their eBooks on. See Kobo’s $150 eBook Reader here. That’s coming this summer. Then we’ll see if people are willing to commit a reasonable […]

  4. […] A nice recap of the highlights and major stars in the exploding eBook market. (My prediction: Kobo’s $150 eReader is going to dominate the second half of […]

  5. […] This will absolutely heat things up this summer, and I can’t help but think this is the work of Kobo’s $150 E Ink eReader. […]

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