A Worrisome Piece of eBook News…

Okay, I think this is something that will be more of a problem for iPad and Android tablet users (anything multi-function and full-color like smart phones, now that I think of it) but this article at MediaBuyerPlanner talks about the looming threat of advertisements in eBooks.

I’m more worried about the end user getting soaked for an ad-subsidized eBook. (Much the way they do buying cable subscriptions to advertisement-based television networks.) In terms of its impact on the reading experience, I can envision ad-free eBooks, software to remove ads and “plain text” Apps around the corner.

I guess the powers that be will look for methods of strip-mining the marketplace. Honestly, once an eBook is written and arrives in eBook stores for $9.99 what purpose would ad revenue serve other than maximizing profit? They’ll try it but it’s up to the consumers if we’ll buy it.

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1 comment

    • Mark on August 29, 2010 at 10:40 pm

    What is the current policy about ads in books? Publishers have for a long time stuffed ads for other books they publish in paperbacks. Will Amazon accept a Kindle version with ads?

    Instead of the $9,99 Kindle books being stuffed with ads, I see the $0.99 self-published ebooks being an attractive market for ads — for the writers. What if a writer places an ad in an ebook and in return for every sale on Amazon the advertiser pays $0.10? That’s extra revenue for the struggling indie author. Why not do it, unless Amazon blocks it.

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