Category: eBook Software

Windows 10 to have eBook store

Engadget reports that Microsoft is considering an eBook store for its notorious Windows 10 OS.

Apple and Amazon avoiding anti-trust case

Cult of Mac reports on Apple and Amazon avoiding an anti-trust  case by putting an end to their exclusive audiobook deal.

The $200 Kobo Arc Tablet eReader

MaddApple talks about the $200 Kobo Arc Tablet eReader (and more).

Calibre 2.77 eBook management software bugfix release

Softpedia reports on the Calibre 2.77 Open-Source eBook management software bugfix release.

Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet 7 unboxing video

GoodeReader posted a Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet 7 unboxing video.

Norway wants more English-language bestsellers

Publishers Weekly reports that Norway’s biggest eBook seller’s search for English language bestsellers is being hampered by the “big five” publishers that continue to undermine the eBook Revolution’s international growth with overpriced titles and  simulated scarcity.

eBook Revolution continues in libraries

According to OverDrive readers borrowed a record number of eBooks and audiobooks from libraries in 2016.

Inkitt releases Android App

Digital Book World reports that data-driven publishing house Inkitt is releasing an Android app for phones and tablets on the international stage.

Icarus Illumina Pro 9.7 E Ink eReader

GoodeReader unboxes an Icarus Illumina Pro 9.7 E Ink eReader in this post.

eBook Search 3.0 offers 8 Million FREE eBooks

prMac reports on eBook Search 3.0 App’s offer of access and search of over 8 million FREE eBooks from iBooks, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, Google Play Books, Feedbooks, Baen Books, Project Gutenberg, ePub Bud, ManyBooks, and the Internet Archive. Details at the link.