Category: eBook Stores

A growing list of web sites that sell eBooks. Pros and Cons...

eBook privacy debate in the making.

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article “Your E-Book is Reading You” that highlights some of the ways eBook sellers are using the data they can collect from their readers.

Amazon to sell Kindle books in Brazil.

BusinessStandard says that plans to open a Kindle store in Brazil in the fourth quarter of 2012.

eBook News Stories June 29/12

According to GoodeReader Smashwords is partnering with libraries to turn them into publishers. ValueWalk tells you how to read Kindle books on other eReaders and hand-held devices. The Globe and Mail reports on Indigo’s CEO saying that books are still giving eBooks a run for the money. MediaBistro passes along the rumor that Google is working …

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Google’s $199 Nexus 7 tablet.

CNNMoney has information and video on Google’s release of its $199 Nexus 7 tablet. The machine seems primed as direct competition for Amazon’s Kindle Fire and boasts similar, if improved, features. I think that with the plodding start and presence of Google eBooks in an rapidly expanding marketplace, we were all expecting to see a …

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Digital Publishing News Stories

OverDrive says that student adoption of eBooks is on the rise at schools. GoodeReader says Amazon has its sights set on creating its own retail stores. According to the Washtington Post, Apple and its gang of price-fixing publishers have taken the position in the DOJ anti-trust lawsuit that they were just forcing the price of …

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eBook Revolution Update

The Christian Science Monitor says Penguin is finally returning its eBooks to the library. GoodeReader says the Reading Rainbow is coming to iPad. The DroidGuy reports that Samsung will upgrade its Readers Hub app by offering its own eBook service. Also according to GoodeReader Random House is merging top Canadian publishing houses McClelland & Stewart …

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Microsoft Surface tablet is an eReader also.

GoodeReader goes into some detail on the new Microsoft Surface, and tells us how it will function as an eReader. (Also, remember Microsoft’s recent $300-million ante into Barnes and Noble’s Nook eBook Reader and tablet division. There is much more going on here than meets the eye.)

Surface Tablet from Microsoft

GoodeReader offers specifics and video on  the new Surface Tablet from Microsoft rumored to be a real challenger to market leader Apple iPad.

eBook Revolution Update

GoodeReader says that Indie Authors are rewriting the publishing game. According to PDFDevices, Amazon has upgraded its Kindle for Android to 3.6.0. CNetReviews lists 25 things you need to know to Indie publish. PaidContent reports on a move by Amazon to make some of its own in-house eBooks available at other retailers.

Google settles French publishing dispute.

PaidContent reports on Google ending a six-year legal dispute with French publishers and authors that will allow it to sell digital versions of out of print books.