Category: eBook Stores

A growing list of web sites that sell eBooks. Pros and Cons...

Apple iPad Arrives April 3, 2010

Apple’s iPad will arrive in stores April 3, 2010 and the iBookstore will go live. To prepare you for that we’ve got a link to the Chicago Sun-Times’ Andy Ihnatko’s piece “iBooks is worth the price alone for iPad as ebook reader.” A very informative Good Friday article, in it Ihnatko makes some excellent comparisons …

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The Peril for Publishers

We found an excellent article at The Economist describing the perilous questions that digital publishing poses for the traditional publishing world. It’s a very detailed discussion of the difficulties awaiting traditional publishers as they are forced by market and technological advances to adapt their business models to the eBook Revolution. The problem these corporate giants face is …

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Smashwords taking a bite of Apple?

There’s a rumor going around out there that Smashwords has inked a deal with Apple to distribute its growing list of titles by independent authors and publishers at the iBookStore. Now we’ve got ars technica talking about a letter going out to participating authors to confirm it. Read about the letter here.  We’ve talked about Smashwords before …

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If it didn’t work with music, why would it work with eBooks?

Here’s a story at about Apple’s plans to add DRM (Digital Rights Management) to the eBooks they sell at the iBookstore. We’ve gone over this so many times I can sleep-type it. Locking a digital item promotes piracy and file-sharing. (Especially if the prices are too high–and why else would you digitally lock an eBook?) Now, …

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Kobo eBook Reader $150 – The Game Changer

To people who would be happy simply reading an eBook, we introduce the Kobo eBook Reader for $150.00. Kobo announced the device at the MobileFocus event in Las Vegas with what eBook Revolution historians will call PERFECT TIMING. Instead of going head-to-head with iPad, here they’ve given us a basic eBook reader at an extremely affordable …

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The Same Old Song and Dance at Amazon–er, from APPLE this time!

Remember when almost a year ago Amazon started fooling around with pricing, allowing publishers to raise their prices until there was a massive consumer backlash? (The $9.99 Boycott by Kindle owners, where they refused to buy eBook titles that were priced over $9.99) Anyway, get ready for the Apple iPad iBook Boycott. Having already signed on six …

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Free Amazon Kindle eBook Reader for Mac

Okay. I guess all this talk about Apple iPad has either got Amazon missing the limelight or reminded the online eBook retailer that their Kindle is not the only eBook Reading device on the market. Read the post about the Free Kindle Reader for Mac here at DigitalBeat. Get the FREE Kindle Reader for Mac here. …

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Barnes and Nobles continues to adapt…

Thanks to Jorgen for a link to another example of Barnes and Noble thinking ‘beyond the box.’ This story at zdnet says the venerable bookseller is planning to have a Barnes and Noble App in place and ready in time for the Apple iPad’s release. This App would allow iPad users to access B&N’s large …

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Another Bold move at Barnes and Noble

We all know that Barnes and Noble has its own eBook Reader the Nook. What we didn’t know was that the Nook will soon share shelf space with Samsung’s E60 eReader. has the story here. That’s right, Samsung is going to partner with B&N for the upcoming E60’s release so the new device can access …

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Looks like a March 3rd eBook Revolution Grab Bag

As the eBook Revolution continues its charge into 2010, we find ourselves with a varied but unexciting news day. So I’ve got a grab bag of links. First of all, thanks to Jorgen for a link to this Reuters story that has Rupert Murdoch seriously insulting the Mexican people and predicting the demise of the Kindle …

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