Okay, you tell me? Is the VOOK a new idea? The New York Times is talking about it here. Seems to me I saw Gil Gerard reading one of these in old episodes of Buck Rogers in the 25TH Century. Spock had one too. An electronic book with video and audio components has been a regular component in science fiction and fantasy writing since the beginning so the VOOK is not a new idea. (The name is: Vook? What the…)
Until now, it has stayed in the realm of imagination because the technology wasn’t quite there and a Silicon Valley Entrepeneur like Bradley Inman with scads of money hadn’t come along to package it.
I’m not sure if it qualifies as an eBook but it does deserve mention. Frankly, they’ve got to trundle this VOOK thing out and see if people will use it. (Let alone pay for it.) “Son, stop leaving my Vook in the bathroom! You’re always taking it in there…”
Money of course, and payment will be the silver lining for this thing, unfortunately it’s for the established publishers and eBook retailers to enjoy. The VOOK with its “EXTRA CONTENT” of minimovies and audio will at least justify the exorbidant prices they want to charge for titles, yah?