Kindle DX ‘sold out…’’s new Kindle DX with the 9.7 inch screen and $489 price tag sold out within three days of its June 10 release. Read a story about it here. The Kindle DX should be back on sale (restocked) by June 17.

I’ve been skeptical of market babble like ‘sold out’ ever since I discovered that the term ‘bestseller’ was applied with less than scientific regard. It’s too easy to manipulate a marketplace and Amazon is notorious for this kind of semantical shell game. How can you apply the term ‘sold out’ if you have to wait 4-6 weeks when you’re ordering the device? Couldn’t that item also be referred to as ‘under stocked’ or ‘built-on-demand’ in which case, said item could never be ‘sold out.’ (Come on, we all know this is just market manipulation. First of all, they don’t have enough confidence in the new device to do more than lowball the expected demand. And by being chronically sold out or out of stock, they drive the mindset that the device is rare or difficult to obtain, and therefore worth the ridiculous sum you have to pay. They won’t even take the leap and put the Kindle on a store shelf.)

Sorry, I know I keep grinding this axe, but I believe in the new technology, and more than that I believe in readers and writers… Those two groups are not respected by these attempts at profiteering, yah?

Cheaper (unlocked) eBooks + Cheaper eBook Readers = Happy Customers, Thriving Marketplace.

Amazon’s ASIN versus ISBN

We talked about this before, but I have to wonder when this is going to become a thorn in everyone’s side. (Especially those agencies authorized to print money issuing ISBN for every damn thing). Now that Amazon is embracing the vast number of Independent authors and artists by issuing unique Amazon Standard Identification Numbers regardless of ISBN or representation (read about the ASIN here) and circumventing the need for the ISBN (in much the same way as the Internet’s various search engines have) one has to wonder if the ISBN still has any relevance at all.

And now publishers that take great pains to catalogue their own lists are arguing the new technologies make the ISBN an outmoded cash-grab. As the eBook revolution is making it affordable for publishers to dust off their backlists, those publishers are now looking at the old ISBN rules and crying foul. ISBN rules say you’ve got to have individual ISBN for all issues and re-issues of a book, as well as eBook or CD versions of the same product. (Let’s say a minimum of 2 ISBN per book and it adds up.)

A bit of checking around showed that ISBN prefixes cost as much as $250 for a block of ten pre-numbered ISBN purchased from any of the 160 authorized ISBN agencies worldwide. When publishers reissue products in multiple formats from a backlist of several thousand titles, they say it’s an extra cost that is unjustified because of modern technical advances in web search, store search engines and computer databases.

Read the full lowdown on ISBN from ISBN.ORG

What is the purpose of an ISBN?
The purpose of the ISBN is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher and is unique to that edition, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors.

An ISBN should be assigned to each title or product, including any backlist or forthcoming titles. Each format or binding must have a separate ISBN (i.e. hardcover, paperbound, VHS video, laserdisc, e-book format, etc). A new ISBN is required for a revised edition. Once assigned, an ISBN can never be reused. An ISBN is printed on the lower portion of the back cover of a book above the bar code and on the copyright page.

Sounds like a nice little racket. I was okay until I read you have to assign a new ISBN for each revised edition. With today’s printing technology, e.g. Print-On-Demand and the adoption of the eBook (where, frankly, editions can be revised continuously) one’s options are considerably restrained by this necessity for reclassification. Having to acquire a new ISBN for each revised edition unnecessarily complicates a process that the ISBN should streamline, one would think and it seriously restricts the flexibilty that the new publishing technology offers. Sounds like Amazon’s ASIN is the way to go. When will Google Books start issuing its own identification numbers, yah?

The Revolution Continues…

An excellent article here for a Sunday read suggesting the shape of things to come. Scott Stein at CRAVE the Gadget Blog from Cnet details an interesting experience in which he ends up favoring the present over the past. And I think you’ll find that common sense and economic realities are the driving forces behind this interesting piece on consumerism in the digital age.

Long live the eBook Revolution, yah?

Simon and Shuster gets into the act…

Stephen King publisher Simon & Shuster has taken the leap and opened a virtual storefront at Read the story here. Called the Youtube for eBooks, the document sharing site,, allows publishers and independent authors to offer samples of their eBooks and make direct sales to readers.

Simon & Shuster is making 5,000 titles available at the popular eBook sharing and sales destination. (60 million visitors a month…wow!)

A little investigation shows Stephen King’s The Cell sample and purchase offer at It’s listed at $7.99 to download the entire book, a $2.00 discount from the list price of $9.99. A quick look shows that Amazon offers it at $7.99 for Kindle.

The prices are coming down, yah?

Where is Apple’s Tablet?

Ok. We know Apple released its new iPhone 3G on Monday and re-priced it to sell at $199 (with strings attached.) Read about it here.

But where is their Media-tablet (Media-pad)? We’ve reported rumors here and here about something bigger and sleeker on the drawing boards at Apple. Something with superior eBook reading capability… Steve Jobs didn’t even hint at it during Monday’s announcement.

We heard it would be in the fall, but expected something to leak earlier. The Apple Media-tablet is lurking out there somewhere but when will it surface, yah?

And it’s WAR!

Okay. ‘War’ may be overstating, but you have to agree this is going to stir the pot. I love it! Borders is offering a Sony® Reader Digital Book PRS-505 with a list price of $299.99 for just $199.99. Check out the specifics here.

It’s a sale, yes. A limited time offer too, but it’s exactly what we’ve been waiting for, and exactly what the top of the line competitors like Sony’s Reader and Amazon’s Kindle have to do to hold onto the ground they’ve got. (Both are fielding machines that run in the $400 dollar range, which with $9.99 per eBook is too much…)

It’s proof that these eBook Reading devices can and should and will come down in price, yah?

California Governor sets his sights on the future…

I will resist the urge to make any ‘killer robot’ allusions or asides. Sometimes a governor is just a governor.

The Ventura County Star reports California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announcing the adoption of the nation’s first Free Digital Textbook Initiative designed to save schoolboards (and his financially strapped state) millions of dollars per year. Read the story here. He did that Monday, paving the way for an evolution in education. I’m sure there will be copyright battles to come. Publishers will have to determine a licensing structure because of the potential for eBook copying and sharing. There will also be the rights for illustrations and photographic work to think about.

Very progressive for a Republican, yah?

Steampunk Tales Issue #1 NOW AVAILABLE!

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Steampulp Publishing LLC  has released the world’s first electronic pulp fiction magazine created exclusively for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Emulating the style of the pulp adventure magazines of the 1920s and ’30s, Steampunk Tales #1 contains first-run and original fiction written by an A+ list of award-winning authors. Issue #1 contains 10 short stories (between 4,300 and 11,000 words) for the unbelievably low price of $1.99. Get a first look here or buy it at the Apple App store here.  

That’s right from the press release. This too: “We stand at the beginning of a revolution in the distribution of print,” says John Sondericker III, founder of Steampulp Publishing. “The combination of low distribution costs and the potential for high volume sales allows us to provide an astounding value for the consumer. The timing is perfect to re-introduce the world to the ‘Penny Dreadfuls’, and the iPhone is a platform that can truly do them justice.” (Why paraphrase what Mr. Sondericker said so well?)

I added that quote because I’m in total agreement. The same is true for eBooks that should really be seen as the new incarnation of reasonably priced pulp paperback editions intended for wide distribution and large volume sales. I checked out Steampunk Tales Issue #1, it’s got a unique look that you should click over and see. It feels perfect for iPhone, yah?

Digital book “ecosystem?”

Here‘s a story at Top News about Google’s plans to get up in Amazon’s grill and offer a sales and search platform to eBook authors, publishers and stores.

I’m cool with it. Competition is good for business. My only concern is we’re really talking about an online marketplace for digital books, aren’t we? It worries me when a mammoth corporation like GOOGLE starts making up names for things that are shared by all. It’s rather presumptuous and denotes ‘ownership.’ This one’s got focus-group all over it too. Ecosystem is a green-friendly and touchy feely name. I can just see the silly buggers passing that one around the boardroom. Gag! Google should know better, yah?

It’s a good day to read…

Okay. A slow eBook news day is a good day to read an eBook. Check out these collections and free offers. The libraries and web sites in the list are constantly adding new titles and different editions so it’s always worth going back to download something to read, or to grab eBooks old or new to add to your own digital library. Enjoy!

Project Gutenberg – Their mission statement: to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks. “Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks.” Read the full scoop at the above link. Tons of reading there, you could browse all day. Classics and public domain material for obvious reasons but here’s their explanation. They offer many formats but prefer “open” and “editable” varieties. “Download unlimited eBooks for FREE – anytime.” Looks like they’ve got a backlist of public domain works, old classics, i.e. Carmilla, and other various author-direct releases. Also advertorial and how-to books available. Worth a look see, especially if you’re curious about author-direct releases or you’re building an eLibrary of your own.

G. Wells Taylor is giving the first book in his Apocalypse Trilogy away. Get it here. It’s a horror mystery adventure called When Graveyards Yawn. Multiple formats now available.

Jennifer L. Armstrong hosts Free Online Novels where she’s posted an impressive list of free online novels along with her own. Various formats. Huge Selection! allows you to select free eBooks in various formats for download: Mobi, Pdf, sized for iLiad, Sony etc. That means you’re getting public domain material, but there’s a growing list of Author Direct eBooks too. It also offers some cool free online publishing options for writers.

L. Lee Lowe’s free novel Mortal Ghost is available here in various formats for a range of devices and handhelds: iPod etc. It worth a read. It’s also available in podcasts here.

Author Susan Crealock has several hundred FREE eBooks available at her blog: Online Novels. We’re talking about some 500 titles in a wide selection of genres written by both traditionally published and Indie authors. Check it out.

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